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Reverse 911

Reverse 911 is a feature designed to give customers the ability to send a prerecorded message to a wide ranging audience. In keeping with our standard approach, Monmouth Telecom’s Reverse 911 feature is very easy to use and offers a robust platform to custom tailor and monitor objective based calling campaigns.  With Reverse 911, customers upload and maintain their own unlimited list of contacts who they intend to call; the current accepted formats are Excel and CSV.

Monmouth Telecom’s Reverse 911 has specific Automated Calling Groups which allow you to assign contacts to a group based on your own targeting criteria. When you initiate your campaign, you can choose the group you wish to send your message to, the time you would like it to run, and if the campaign will deliver your message in a voicemail in the event no one picks up.  

While your campaign is running you can check on it to get a real time status update to see where it stands. Once completed the feature provides a statistical analysis of your campaign and indicates visually and numerically the amounts of calls which were picked up, not picked up, and went to voicemail.

Monmouth Telecom

Founded as an Internet Service Provider in NJ in 1995, Monmouth Telecom has grown to offer a complete set of innovative and economical Business VoIP Phone Services and Business Internet Services.  We were NJ's first Internet Service Provider turned Telephone Company in 2000 and in 2006 we began providing businesses with increased functionality using VoIP. Learn more about Who We Are and how Hosted PBX / Virtual PBX is changing the face of business telephone service.

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Primary:     732-704-9000
Secondary: 732-704-1400

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10 Drs James Parker Blvd
Suite 110
Red Bank, NJ 07701

Key Data/Switching Facilities

12 N 7th St.
Camden, NJ 08102

165 Halsey St.
Newark, NJ 07102

423 Washington Ave.
Pleasantville, NJ 08232

18 Paterson St.
New Brunswick, NJ 08901

95 William St.
Newark, NJ 07102

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