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Business VoIP Phone Service in NJ

Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP) is driving a revolution in Business Phone Service features and economics. We hope this information can help you harness these productivity gains and savings in your business. Here are quick links to the topics that will be covered:

  1. Advantages of Business VoIP Phone Service
  2. How is Business VoIP Phone Service different than Residential VoIP Phone Service?
  3. Who are the major market players in Business VoIP Phone Service?
  4. Common Misconceptions about Business VoIP Phone Service
  5. Monmouth Telecom Business VoIP Services

Advantages of Business VoIP Phone Service

  1. Savings from Business VoIP Phone Service comes from a number of sources
    • More efficient use of your expensive WAN connection.

      Most businesses have either T1 Service or Fiber Internet Service. This is a monthly recurring cost which grows with the size of the business. In a conventional business without Business VoIP Phone Service, two distinct sets of WAN connections are maintained. One set of WAN connections for voice connections (PRI, POTS lines, or something similar) and one set of WAN connections for your internet service.

      Business VoIP Phone Service

      With Business VoIP Phone Service, this is reduced to internet connections only. This internet connection is more efficiently used because when you are not on the phone, the entire internet connection is available for data activities like browsing and file transfers. This can represent a significant decrease in your monthly communications costs.

      Business VoIP Phone Service

    • Consolidation of wiring and equipment

      Before VoIP we had a separate network for phones and a separate network for pc's and servers. This meant twice the wiring and associated maintenance. With Business VoIP Phone Service you have one LAN to maintain and provision.

      A Business VoIP Phone includes a 2-port switch. This means that you do not need to purchase any extra switches to support Business VoIP. This also means you do not require any additional wiring for Business VoIP. You maintain one network, which supports the data needs of your pc's and servers, and it also supports the Business VoIP Phones.

      Business VoIP Phone

  2. Productivity Gains

    Modern Business VoIP Phone Service includes many features which streamline business operations. These include Call Queues, Parking Lots, Call Recording and many more. Additionally, a modern business uses a variety of software applications to perform its business processes. Modern Business VoIP Phone Service provides integrations with these software processes. These features are generally referred to as Computer Telephony (CTI) integration or CRM Integration and include features like incoming screenpops and click to call.

  3. Multiple Office Locations, Home Office Locations, Travel

    Business VoIP Phone Service makes communication with employees at different locations completely seamless. Co-workers on the road or at home offices appear as extensions on the corporate phone system. Dialing a co-worker across the office, across the state, or across the globe is all equally easy. Communication with these extensions is no different than if they were in the office. This provides great conveniences to both customers as well as co-workers.

How is Business VoIP Phone Service different than Residential VoIP Phone Service?

Simpy put, QOS. QOS is an acronym for Quality of Service. Voice traffic is very sensitive to delays, unlike email or web traffic. As a result, VoIP needs to be prioritized over the other types of traffic on your internet connection. The only way to effectively prioritize this traffic is to have prioritization of voice traffic on both ends of the most contended resource, your internet connection. This requires two expenses, which are generally not practical for residential consumers.
  1. QOS Capable Router
  2. Dedicated Internet Connection
As a result, residential consumers use VoIP and simply tolerate the unreliable quality, giving VoIP a bad reputation generally. Businesses are in a distinctly different position in terms of resources available for communications, as well as requirements for quality. With sufficient planning and expenditure, Business VoIP Service can not only match the quality and reliability of traditional telephone service, it can exceed them. Business VoIP Phone Service is substantially more reliable by employing techniques such as cable failover. Business VoIP Phone Service gives users the option to choose a higher bandwidth codec than the 64 kbps traditional codec to have a higher definition audio experience.

Who are the major players in Business VoIP Phone Service?

  • VoIP Phone Manufacturers (eg: Cisco, Polycom)
  • Switch and Router Manufacturers (eg: Cisco, Zyxel)
  • Internet Service Providers * (eg: Verizon, Monmouth Telecom)
  • VoIP Service Providers * (eg: Ring Central, Monmouth Telecom)
  • VoIP Software Vendors * (eg: Broadsoft, Monmouth Telecom)

* Note: In some situations your Internet Service Provider, your VoIP Service Provider, and your VoIP Software Vendor are all different companies. Troubleshooting in this environment requires great coordination efforts and often leads to difficulties, finger pointing, and delayed resolutions. This scenario is very unfortunately very common. The ideal situation is when your ISP, your VoIP Service Provider, and your Software Vendor is one company. In this scenario, regardless of the nature of your feature request or your trouble, there will be one accountable party who has the power to resolve your issue.

Common Misconceptions about Business VoIP Phone Service

  • VoIP means free long distance doesn't it?

    This is a blanket statement that is not strictly true. There are certainly situations where your long distance bill can be reduced by adopting Business VoIP Phone Service. Take for example, the scenario where you have a corporate headquarters and an employee home office location. With traditional telephone service you are charged long distance for calls between that location and your corporate office. By placing a VoIP Phone at the home office location, you can eliminate per minute charges for communication between your corporate locations and that home office. This is a legitimate example where long distance charges are eliminated by Business VoIP Phone Service.

    There are also situations where there is no way around paying the long distance charge. Take for example a client, whom you must call every month. It is not practical to provide every client with a VoIP Phone and add them to your Business VoIP Phone System. As a result you must continue calling this client over the traditional telephone network and continue incurring long distance charges.

  • VoIP means poor quality.

    Residential VoIP experiences give VoIP a bad reputation. See above where we discussed the difference between properly planned Business VoIP Phone Service and Residential VoIP Phone Service.

  • VoIP Providers don't provide on-site support.

    Many VoIP Providers send you phones in the mail and provide support from out of state headquarters, sometimes even out of the country. This is not always the case. Monmouth Telecom provides Business VoIP Phone service to NJ Businesses. We install, maintain, and provide 24x7 dispatch support of all Business VoIP Phone service.

Monmouth Telecom Business VoIP Services

Monmouth Telecom brings VoIP Phone Service to your business in two different ways.

  • Hosted PBX / Virtual PBX
    The modern, economic way to provide full enterprise telephone system functionality, better reliability and low cost. Hosted PBX makes old style telephone systems obsolete.
  • SIP Trunks
    Provide voice service over Internet Protocol to IP capable old-style BOX-IN-THE-CLOSET telephone systems.  Can also be used to provide Plain Old Telephone Service (POTS) when used with an "Analog Telephone Adapter" (ATA).

Monmouth Telecom also can provide a wide range of VoIP Phones for your Hosted PBX system.

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Monmouth Telecom

Founded as an Internet Service Provider in NJ in 1995, Monmouth Telecom has grown to offer a complete set of innovative and economical Business VoIP Phone Services and Business Internet Services.  We were NJ's first Internet Service Provider turned Telephone Company in 2000 and in 2006 we began providing businesses with increased functionality using VoIP. Learn more about Who We Are and how Hosted PBX / Virtual PBX is changing the face of business telephone service.

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10 Drs James Parker Blvd
Suite 110
Red Bank, NJ 07701

Key Data/Switching Facilities

12 N 7th St.
Camden, NJ 08102

165 Halsey St.
Newark, NJ 07102

423 Washington Ave.
Pleasantville, NJ 08232

18 Paterson St.
New Brunswick, NJ 08901

95 William St.
Newark, NJ 07102

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