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Monmouth Telecom CRM Now Available!

Customer Relations Management Software for your business!

Monmouth Telecom's Customer Relations Management (CRM) Software is a simple yet powerful tool designed and created in house from years of experience. We have custom tailored this software to cut out the confusion and complexity commonly found in similar offerings to provide you with the most user friendly experience available. Managing your employees and their interactions with your customer base has never been easier until now. Our software provides a clean way to manage scheduling events, day-to-day tasks, and recording your progress as you work to further relations with both prospective and existing customers.  

Common Applications for CRM Software

  • Tracking your client base- The CRM Software allows you to record all of your interactions with your customers. Everything from Phone Calls to Meetings can be logged in the program to track progress. 
  • Planning your next move- You will have the ability to layout your roadmap for how you want to approach a strategy for building a prospective relationship.  Our software gives you the ability to seamlessly examine past information while planning for the future.
  • Scheduling your employees- One of the big components in all CRM Software is the ability to schedule time for your staff to balance their activity with their customer base.

Advantages of using Monmouth Telecom's CRM Software

  • Integration with Monmouth Telecom's Hosted VOIP PBX Service
  • Customization- Our software allows you to modify the structure of the accounts to fit your needs. The CRM provides you with the ability to create fields and labels to suit your specific business needs. 
  • Robust and User Friendly Calendar- One of the big features in any CRM Software should be a clear and concise Calendar that supports a wide array of functions and is still very easy to use. Monmouth Telecom puts a lot of emphasis on our CRM Calendar's ability to quickly and efficiently support the users and their needs. From our calendar, users can quickly view and sort different types of activities across both their client and employee database. 
  • Understandable Permissions- A large factor when setting up any internal databasing or scheduling system is permission security. Permission systems often feel cumbersome and time consuming with a lot of frustrating trial-and-error troubleshooting to find settings that work best for you. Monmouth Telecom's CRM program has a very intuitive permission system which allows administrators to control their system down to the smallest detail. The complexity of the program is broken down in a systematic and very understandable manner which allows you to control visibility within your system effectively.

Monmouth Telecom

Founded as an Internet Service Provider in NJ in 1995, Monmouth Telecom has grown to offer a complete set of innovative and economical Business VoIP Phone Services and Business Internet Services.  We were NJ's first Internet Service Provider turned Telephone Company in 2000 and in 2006 we began providing businesses with increased functionality using VoIP. Learn more about Who We Are and how Hosted PBX / Virtual PBX is changing the face of business telephone service.

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Customer Service

Technical Support
Primary:     732-704-9000
Secondary: 732-704-1400

Full Contact Information



10 Drs James Parker Blvd
Suite 110
Red Bank, NJ 07701

Key Data/Switching Facilities

12 N 7th St.
Camden, NJ 08102

165 Halsey St.
Newark, NJ 07102

423 Washington Ave.
Pleasantville, NJ 08232

18 Paterson St.
New Brunswick, NJ 08901

95 William St.
Newark, NJ 07102

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