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Real Time Operator Panel

Monmouth Telecom’s Real Time Operator Panel is an indispensable tool for companies utilizing the Hosted PBX Service. The operator panel is a simple and easy to use customizable window in your browser for viewing the activity of your Hosted PBX System in real time.

Inner Office Communication can be frustrating sometimes when trying to call your coworkers. They may be on the phone with someone else or they could be logged out of their queue and away from their desk. The Real Time Operator Panel alleviates those frustrations by allowing users to view what is going on in their Hosted PBX System in real time.

The Operator Panel is laid out in an organized customizable grid that displays the extensions of your hosted PBX system.  Each extension is displayed with the extension number and the name that is programmed in to that extension. As calls are made and received, the extension in use will change color and display the call next to one of its available lines. While an extension is on a call, the panel will display the phone number or extension that that person is speaking to, the duration of the call, and whether or not this was an incoming or outgoing call. You’ll never have to guess whether or not one of your coworkers is on the phone again.

The Operator Panel will automatically scale itself to the size of your browser window so you can view it however you feel most comfortable. In addition to the extension grid, users can also view the parked calls, company queues, and conference calls. The display can be configured differently for each user so that only the most pertinent and appropriate information is displayed. Having the ability to monitor activity of this nature is effective for management and inner office communication.

Clicking on an extension or an unanswered call in one of the queues prompts a selection of buttons to appear across the top of the screen allowing the user to carry out several functions. Availability of each of the below buttons can be configured based on each individual user’s permission level.

  • Home Button- will take the user back to their Hosted PBX tenant where they can access the features for their extensions.
  • Dial- After clicking an extension on screen and then clicking the “Dial” button, the user’s phone will ring. Once the user picks up the phone, the selected extension will be dialed.
  • Answer- After clicking an extension that has an incoming call going to it, the user can click “Answer” and that call will be transferred to their phone so that they can take the call. This is a very useful feature for taking calls for coworkers who may be away from their desk. This can also be used to answer a call which is sitting unanswered in a call Queue.
  • Transfer- While on a call, a user can first click on an extension in the panel and then click the “Transfer” button to send the person on the other end of the call to someone else’s extension.
  • XFER VM- While on a call, a user can send the person their speaking to directly to another extension’s voice mail box by clicking the extension and then the “XFER VM” button.
  • Monitor- A user can click on an extension that has a call currently taking place and then click the “Monitor” Button to listen to that call in real time.
  • Coach- A user can click on an extension that has a call currently taking place and then click the “Coach” button to speak with the person at that extension only. The person on the other end of the call will not be able to hear the use who clicked “Coach”

The Operator Panel is a great tool for the management within your company. Managers can use the Operator Panel to check in on group operations, how busy their call queues are, and the level of usage from each user in real time.

Your Operators and Secretaries will benefit extensively by using the Operator Panel. This feature will allow them to quickly and effectively manage and direct their calls throughout the company.

The Real Time Operator Panel is a free and powerful tool for companies who are looking to take total advantage and control of their Hosted PBX System! 

Monmouth Telecom

Founded as an Internet Service Provider in NJ in 1995, Monmouth Telecom has grown to offer a complete set of innovative and economical Business VoIP Phone Services and Business Internet Services.  We were NJ's first Internet Service Provider turned Telephone Company in 2000 and in 2006 we began providing businesses with increased functionality using VoIP. Learn more about Who We Are and how Hosted PBX / Virtual PBX is changing the face of business telephone service.

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10 Drs James Parker Blvd
Suite 110
Red Bank, NJ 07701

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12 N 7th St.
Camden, NJ 08102

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Newark, NJ 07102

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Pleasantville, NJ 08232

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New Brunswick, NJ 08901

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Newark, NJ 07102

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